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Service Admins and Suppor...
Forum: Underx IRC Services
Last Post: alfieo
12-08-2023, 05:02 AM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 1,467
Server List
Forum: Underx IRC Services
Last Post: alfieo
12-08-2023, 04:54 AM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 1,659
About Underx IRC Network
Forum: Underx IRC Services
Last Post: alfieo
12-08-2023, 04:36 AM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 1,331

  Service Admins and Support
Posted by: alfieo - 12-08-2023, 05:02 AM - Forum: Underx IRC Services - No Replies

See below the list of people who made the network last:

xXxUnderx Founder
AlfieOUnderx Co-Founder
AsL_pLsUnderx Server Provider / Administrator
reansUnderx Server Provider / Administrator
gInAmOsUnderx Server Provider / Services Host
DecrypteDUnderx Server Provider
BLUE_ICEUnderx Server Provider
snaptoUnderx Server Provider
sHuT^dOwNUnderx Server Provider
scyldUnderx Server Provider
ShArKZUnderx Server Provider

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  Server List
Posted by: alfieo - 12-08-2023, 04:54 AM - Forum: Underx IRC Services - No Replies

See below for the list:

Server NamePorts Owner

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  About Underx IRC Network
Posted by: alfieo - 12-08-2023, 04:36 AM - Forum: Underx IRC Services - No Replies

Underx IRC Network was founded by Juan Obed Garcia aka xXx in 2002. 

Together with the help of kebin aka AlfieO they decided to create and IRC network with Zhel and they started using a windows IRCD server and services. During that time it was tough and cool because in the short period of time UnderX suddenly became known to any IRC network. 
Then UnderX was introduced to use linux based gnuworld services which is the official services used by Undernet. Kebin recoded the services and as well the ircd used to support the services. 

Then the network grew, unfortunately by year 2005 the network was closed due to a huge issue with the staff and as well frequent attack happening during that time using DDOS attacks. So now in 2020 we decided to revive the network with the help of reans and the team. 

reans started to host X and asL_pLs is the one who designs multiple website for underx. gInAmOs also offered 3 client servers for starters and new family members comes in like snapto, shutdown, scyld, decrypted and more.

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